Friday, December 4, 2009

Almost Done!

Our studio space is slowly but surely being transformed into an exhibit. Most everyone printed out their graphics on the brown paper in class today and started hanging them up. Over the weekend everyone is supposed to come in and help get the space cleaned up and organized and ready to go on Monday morning for critiques.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Stage Two Complete

Last night Jami finished painting the canvas to complete the second stage of her exhibit design. She decided to do an abstract composition which pulled shapes from the existing structure and repeated them in different colors to create a design.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Busy Week

This week everyone is really busy working in the shop trying to finish their models and chairs.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Time for a break

Everyone continued to work on their models and chairs on Monday. A few of us have metal components to our chairs, so we attended an orientation at the foundry with John so that we could use the facility to construct our chairs. There is so much equipment and so much you can do over there, it is kind of a shame that our department doesn't take advantage of it more often. Anyway, everything seems to be running smoothly in the shop so far, and while it's kind of a bad time to take five, that is just what we are going to do, five days that is! Hopefully Thanksgiving break will give everyone some time to relax and reflect so we can come back well rested and ready to finish out the semester on a good note!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Stage One Complete

On Friday, while everyone was working in the shop, Jami finished the first part of the exhibit. The three sculptural walls are assembled, standing and ready for the next stage to be added on.

Friday, November 20, 2009

We got wood!!!

The wood that we ordered finally got delivered today! Everyone who is building their chair at full scale for the competition has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our materials so that we could begin construction. It feels good to be back in the shop working again. Although, I think the next couple of weeks are going to be pretty hectic!

Black or brown? Color or black and white?

We spent more time today talking about the exhibit posters. The discussion focused on whether to use brown or black paper or if the images should be in black and white or in color. Also, it was decided that the band at the top which unites all of the posters will now be an abstract collage of images having to do with chairs instead of four specific images pertaining to each topic. So, which one do you think looks best?